Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Red Book: Musings of a Manic Depressive Phase: Manic A Collection of Poetry by Aaron Rogier

From the author- "I publish this work in defiance of the stigma that is thrust upon so many persons.

Lily's Thoughts-

As a person who lives with being labeled manic-depressive, more recently called bipolar, I was excited to read poetry written by a fellow manic-depressive. The complete title of the book, The Red Book: Musings of a Manic Depressive Phase, claims that what is contain within is from the Manic cycle of bipolar, but many of the poems seemed to have a tinge of depression, or maybe of a hopelessness. Rogier must be commended for standing up and saying that we will be stigmatized no more--but I don't see much in this collection that would give outsiders any indication of what it is like to be bipolar, much less manic. The author does make good use of metaphor, mania is fire, the sluggishness and disconnect feelings of the drugs are mud, and depression is water. The poems do convey a sense of fear of not being able to maintain a mood homeostasis.
As poetry is always subjective to one's tastes, I won't say that people will not enjoy Rogier's collection. Many will, but for me, the endless rhyming couplets were distracting. I could not determine any discernible meter within the poems. Having said that, I think the author has the talent to write prose, and hope to see that in the future. I believe that poetry might be too limiting for the ideas he is so vehemently trying to convey.

3 Blooms

Disclaimer:  This book was given by the author in exchange for a review.